Journal des débats of the National Assembly of Québec
This collection contains the proceedings of the debates of the National Assembly of Québec (Journal des débats) from 1908 to 2019. Although available on the website of the Library of the National Assembly of Québec, the data for the years 1867 to 1907 are not available in this corpus and there are no plans at this time to add them.
Visit the data provider website for more information.
General Information
Added to the Research Data: March 2021
Last update: March 2021
Update periodicity: No update plans at the moment
Available formats: PDF and HTML
Documents’ assets available? No
Documents’ metadata available? No
Data size: 31Gb
Number of files: 33,339
Copyright: The data and all related documentation are subject to copyright. Please consult the data provider website for more details.
Data Subject Area: proceedings of the National Assembly of Québec
The Data in Graphs

Available formats in “National Assembly of Québec - Journal des débats”

The Data Structure
The files are named according to an unknown naming convention.
PDF Availability
There are PDF files available in this dataset.
Full-text availability
The full-text is available in PDF and HTML format. Sometimes documents can be avalable in only one of the formats. (PDF and/or HTML)
Metadata Availability
There is no metadata available in the Journal des débats dataset.
Document’s Bibliographic References
There are no references available in the Journal des débats dataset.
How the HTML Data is structured?
The HTML files are a copy of the Library of the National Assembly of Québec (Journal des débats) website pages. It means all the elements of their website pages are present in the HTML files. The full text is tagged and avalable inside the tag <content>.